Yesterday was backwards day and we did everything a little bit backwards! We played backwards basketball! The goal was to throw the basketball up through the hoop and knock the red ball out of the hoop instead of throwing it through the hoop like normal basketball!
We even got to play lawn games in the gym to avoid the hot weather outside!
We learned about palindromes (words spelled the same way forwards and back) like eye, dad, mom, kayak, and noon and played opposites BINGO!
Go Green!
Today we learned all about recycling and going green! We planted grass inside recycled eggshells and played a gym game called "Clean Out the Backyard!"
We made an extra trip to the splash park to stay cool in the heat and got to play at Savannah Park too!
(Brooke forgot her camera, whoops! More pictures tomorrow!)
Remember: Tomorrow is field trip day!
We're going to Fired Up Pottery on Monona Drive where we'll make sun-catchers using an art technique called glass fusing! The activity is safe for all ages!
We'll be leaving the school at 12:30pm following lunch at the school and will return to school around 4:45pm or 5:00pm!
Learn more about Fired Up Pottery!